The Backbone of Awesome

I’m so happy this is finally happening.

My name is Emily and this blog is honestly my dream come true. I’ve been wanting to start one for quite some time, yet somehow I always had an excuse.

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Photo credit goes to Payson Ashmead, my #1 bae and spouse. 

“I’m not ready, no one will care what I write, I need to plan more…” blah blah the list goes on. That’s the thing sometimes about the internet. Everyone has so many great ideas that sometimes yours feel insignificant. But that’s NOT true. Don’t buy into that.

I am here to tell you YOU ARE IMPORTANT! What you have to contribute to the world is valuable, interesting, and all around awesome.

So, what’s the point?

I’m a seeker of happiness, inspiration, adventure and positivity. For me, those things are what I qualify as life’s “sweet spot”. The whole point of this blog is to bring a little more of those four things into the world.

I’ll be honest, I’m probably going to write about some random crap, but that’s because for some amount of time, it made me happy.

Everyone has their struggles, and I want to talk about those too. Because how would we be able to appreciate happiness if we didn’t also understand sorrow? It’s the ever necessary, worst part of life that is actually beneficial.

Overall, this is a place of mostly happy, some sad, and straight up real life. My hope is that is can be as entertaining and enjoyable for you as it is for me. I’m going to share a TON about my life and if you feel comfortable telling me, I’d love to hear about yours! Because that’s what life is all about isn’t it? Making connections and learning to appreciate each other.

Life isn’t long enough to spend time doing things you don’t like. If I can write a blog then you can do whatever you want.

14 Replies to “The Backbone of Awesome”

    1. Oh I love you back! Thanks for reading 🙂 Also that’s crazy Michaela comes back so soon. For me it’s seemed like it went so fast, but I’m sure for you it’s been a different story!


  1. Emily, I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor. It’s great to see the positive influence former students of mine are having on me and the rest of the world #devinsupertramp #jessycafulmer #emilyashmead. Good luck and keep in touch.


    1. Thank you so much! I am so thankful I got to be in your class, you taught me so much. Also I had no idea you taught Devin! I don’t know him personally but enjoy watching his videos. That’s super cool. I’ll definitely keep in touch!


  2. I’m so excited to read your blog!!! And honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever said that to anyone. I miss getting to see you! You have such a fun and radiant personality! I hope you and Payson are doing well! Love you!


  3. Have loved having in our home, family, and always in the friend zone lol!
    Times with you and both of your companions, sister Jarden and Saisha. Just blanked on sister Jardens first name, but have seen that all of you are doing great.
    Loved your sharing pics along your traverse into marriage bliss.
    Makai, Keanu, and I are living in Nampa Idaho and loving it.
    Boys are in with over 70 youth and thriving. We have been welcomed into hearts in this new ward for us. I may have a new calling this Sunday and looking forward to that growth.
    I’m so proud of you, if that’s okay. I still see you n Saisha dancing in the rain in front of our house and dinners on the porch, even when it rained.
    Would love to make a trip and see you and meet your husband, and family.
    Have always called you sisters Ladies as you were and continue to be, but know you’re in my heart, and would never wish that to change.
    Me and the boys.


    1. Ted! That is seriously so good to hear. I think moving to Idaho was a really smart idea. Sometimes it’s just so powerful to start over. Please visit if you ever come down to Utah! We can all dance in the rain together now, Payson included 🙂
      Love you guys!


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