Couscous Summer Salad

Never have I seen Payson scarf down food as quickly as he did with this salad. You would think I don’t feed him or something (which is completely opposite, I’m ALWAYS making food). He absolutely loved it not only the first time, but also as left-overs the next day! He just kept saying

“It tastes like summer, and I love it.”

So, if you need a little pop of freshness and flavor, then this is ABSOLUTELY for you!


Also I just need to interject and say that this is super easy. The entire thing took me probably about 15 minutes. I had all the ingredients on hand already, and it’s pretty healthy! I’ve also made this salad with different variations of vegetables and it’s good every time. So grab all your half-used veggies from the fridge and throw them together to make this vibrant, unconventional salad.

Salad Ingredients (All except lemon and cucumber, those were playing some serious hide-and-seek in my fruit/veggie drawer)

First things first, you’re going to need some ingredients. Because this process goes so fast, I like to get everything out ahead of time. This helps me from being constantly in the fridge and from feeling so flustered.

Once you begin everything goes lightening fast! Couscous only takes about 7-10 minutes depending on how quickly your stovetop heats up. My recipe below tells you to prepare it according to the package instructions, which basically means heating water, olive oil, and the seasoning packet together in a pan. Once the mixture is boiling you pull it off the heat, dump in the couscous and let it rest for five minutes before fluffing with a fork. Easy right!?

While the couscous is resting I chop up my veggies. All the measurements for vegetables really depend on preference. I typically use 1/3 cup of the peppers, less of the olives and cheese, and lots of cucumber and garbanzo beans- which are my favorite!


From there it’s time to make dressing! This is probably the best part of the whole salad. This dressing has a very subtle taste, yet somehow it has you continually reaching back for more!

Start by measuring out the olive oil, and squeezing the lemon right into the measuring cup. Add the spices and give it a nice whisk to combine.

Place vegetables, cheese, and couscous in a medium mixing bowl and stir until combined. Drizzle dressing on the top, mix one more time, and prepare yourself for the perfect bite of summer!



Did you try my salad? I’d love to hear how it went! Send me a message on facebook @findinginnerawesome. Also if you have any salad suggestions, send them my way!

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